Thursday, July 2, 2015

Blog #2



            One example of how I use a work skill in my internship in a positive way is being professional. I come to my internship 20 minutes earlier dressed appropriately keeping in mind that my internship is with young children and that I look presentable enough. Being on time has not been a problem in my internship so far and it is a positive outlook of me on my internship.

           Another example of how I use a work skill in my internship in a positive way is serving other peoples needs when they come in with questions. If a customer needs to find a book or has a question I listen and try to help them the best I can even if I am not sure I can. I have grown in this area since I have been going around and asking if they may need help without thinking if I should or not.
        I have learned not to think to much about doing something when it comes to helping someone in my internship and it helps.


  1. Good job arriving before time! shows how professional you are..

  2. It's really good that you are communicating with the customers and finding out what there needs are.
