Friday, July 24, 2015

Blog #5

              This summer I was grateful for the chances to improve my skills in my internship and in class. I am grateful that in my internship class I was able to practice communicating with other whether they were employees or not. I am grateful that in my class I was able to learn new skills such as using google sites, sheets, how to use the blogger and how to learn to finance my money and save it for real needs.
                Along the way I learned a few things about myself that I believe can help me on my path to my future career.
  •  I like to talk to people and though I like to keep to myself at times, I do enjoy talking with people, just that I enjoy the silence as well. 
  •  I am calm in tense situations and that though I am reserved I enjoy occasional adventures and fun. 
  • My values were ranked as  logic, diligence, ambition, relationships, competence, harmony, selflessness, beauty, creating, learning, justice, courage and leisure. My most highest ranking ones would be from logic to selflessness. This means that I focus on my tasks very productively and I know what is right or wrong in instances.
  • My top strengths were humor and playfulness as well as zest, enthusiasm and strength. The books I like are romance, some science fiction, fiction and classic literature as well as books that have information about various things. The classes I enjoy are the music related ones, physiology, physical education, and English. Me and my friends talk about movies, music and sometimes I geek out about a few superheroes and related things with my friends who share my same interests. I am  REALLY  curious about music, movies and literature.....I like to try and  memorize my favorite quotes.
  • I am good at: learning music and learning how to play an instrument and I am good at memorizing things and learning them.
  • 1. FULLY develop my musical skills
    2. Find myself in my dream career
    3. Make a difference
    4. Find my purpose in life
    5. Find my identity
    6. Complete a bucket list
    7. Become more confident
    8. Collect all my favorite books and a have a huge shelf to fill
    9. Start a journal
  • What makes me angry about the world is that it is still very prejudice and anti against certain people from races and they go on talking about justice and equality and how it is a very important part of societies foundation, but they go ahead and contradict themselves.
    Another thing that makes me angry is that so many people litter and they don't worry about the ozone layer, global warming or about other precious lives besides humans.
    The last thing about the world that makes me angry is that society is always going on about how everyone should be themselves and not pretend to be someone we are not for fear of being mocked. We see these messages through media, movies, ads and campaigns, but part of society does the opposite and tries to change who we are. Parents do this by not allowing to experiment throughout our teenage years and expect us to dress to the conformity of there past lives when they were teenagers and there is also communities and cities that do this. For example, if you are attracted to the other gender people gather into mobs to protest against them and the right to be with who they want. The very religious people blame certain "figures" to being responsible for their way of life.
  • I get a sense of purpose when I listen to music or when I am working on something that does not necessarily relate to school, but who I am.
           I realized that being to scared to talk to people and saying the wrong thing has held me back from communicating freely with others and held me back from doing my best. The experience I gained from my internship and my class helped me to improve on communication. I knew communication would be one of the most important parts of working in my internship and in my future as well, so I decided to not let my fear get the best of me and work to better myself and for the service of customers who would need help.
           I am grateful I joined an internship and took the class as well because before I had started I was not sure how to use google sheets, I did not not know what a blogger was or how to use google sites.


  1. That's awesome that you learned to communicate better than you did before

  2. i also agree with what you said about the classes!

  3. That's really good that you are learning music and I'm with you I'm also calm in tense situations.

  4. It's great that you got better at communicating with others during the internship because that will help you open many doors if you are more open about yourself.
