Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Goals, Habits, and Allies

Goals: Short Term and Long Term
What is a goal?
A goal is something that you strive to accomplish in life whether it is something as simple as finishing a book or as complicated as buying and starting up a well functioning business. Below are some of my short term and long term goals:

Short term:
- buying a horse or 2
- going to an equestrian college with a part time job at a riding facility

Long term:
- own a successful therapeutic facility where the mentally and physically disabled interact with animals and ride horses
- create an all organic garden

Habits: Short Term and Long Term
What is a habit?
A habit is a tendency or practice that is hard to give up.

Short Term:
- a need to be more organized

Long Term:
- Working with animals (training, breeding, riding, etc.)
- caring for abused and neglected animals
- being athletic and strong

Allies: Current and future
What is an Allie?
An Allie is like a colleague or associate... A person who has your back in crisis.

Current Allies:
- Brenda Foster
- Victoria Morehouse and her family
- Michelle Stern
- My family

Future Allies:
Teachers, friends, colleagues who will help me to complete my goals.

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