Friday, July 3, 2015

Blog #2


-  Professional : I always show up ten to fifteen minutes earlier so if the counselors need help setting up or anything I am there to help them. I am working at the YMCA camp watching children and I can't be all fancy, I have to be comfortable in my clothes so I can be active with the little kids.

- Acts with Diligence : I came into the internship the second week and I didn't really know what was going on. I wasn't sure what the schedule was for the children and what was okay and what wasn't so I asked my counselors questions to clarify and that I didn't understand.


- On the first day I wasn't really talkative with the children and I knew I had to improve that so when I went back on Wednesday for my second day I started talking to more of the children so they won't just think of me of some girl who only shows up and is just there. I have to be more open and I am getting better at that but there is still room for improvement


  1. On my first day I was also very quiet, but now I talk more around the kids.

  2. I relate to what you went through, it's a matter of getting used to the people you meet and the place. It's a good thing you asked questions.

  3. I'm so glad you're getting more comfortable in your role there, Vanessa :)

  4. The same thing happened to me and I had problems connecting with the kids as well, but I made sure to talk more with the kids and to interact with them more.

  5. It is really good that you recognized something that you could improve and made sure to work on it next time. Sometimes the first day can be a bit intimidating and can be hard to be completely comfortable.
